READ THIS CAREFULLY. This set of quizzes should be taken after reading B. F. Skinner's WALDEN TWO novel. Quizzes are sequential and keyed to the chapters noted in the menu below. You MUST complete each quiz in sequential order. Also, you MUST remember to use the very same sign-in name each time you advance to a new quiz. Your instructor may give you a specific code name to use. This program will not allow you to skip quizzes. Each quiz is a series of roughly ten screen presentations. In some screens you may see true-false, yes-no, or multiple choice questions. In many screens, you will respond by supplying one or several words that should appear where the blanks are. In other words, it is a "fill in the blank" response. Occasionally, help letters appear next to the blanks and these help letters MUST be included in the words you type. You will be leaving a space between each of several words if they are required. You cannot go backwards when working through a quiz by using your browser's back arrow. If you do, the quiz will terminate. A momentary green flash signals that you have responded correctly and will advance forward. Finish each successive quiz before you take a break. The quizzes require correct spelling of words and names, so be cautious and check for spelling before tapping the ENTER key. Your accumulated score appears in the upper left-hand corner of your screen during the quiz as well as your progress in the quiz. The quizzes test the precision of your memory and require the EXACT words that appear in the Walden Two novel. In other words, synonyms will not be counted as correct. Stay at your device and continue without breaks because the program also times your progress. Even though you have studied the assignment carefully, you are likely to get less than 100 percent on many quizzes because it is a demanding task to remember EXACTLY the words used by Skinner in the novel. Your instructor (if you have one) will, no doubt, understand that few quiz-takers can achieve all perfect scores. (Please note that where you see the term 'tutorial' below, this actually refers to a 'quiz' of the knowledge you acquired after reading the designated chapters.)

If your score falls below 50%, you will be returned to the beginning of the tutorial.

Follow the 3 Steps below to experience the tutorials.

Step 1 - Type your full name or the one assigned by your instructor exactly the same each time :

Step 2 - Select the tutorial by clicking on the button next to it below):

Orientation Set 01
Walden Two Chapters 01 thru 3
Walden Two Chapters 04 thru 6
Walden Two Chapters 07 thru 9
Walden Two Chapters 10 thru 12
Walden Two Chapters 13 thru 15
Walden Two Chapters 16 thru 18
Walden Two Chapters 19 thru 21
Walden Two Chapters 22 thru 24
Walden Two Chapters 25 thru 27
Walden Two Chapters 28 thru 30
Walden Two Chapters 31 thru end

Step 3 - Click Begin tutorial: