Frequently Asked Questions

What is the science of behavior?

The "science of behavior" includes "applied behavior analysis (ABA)," "behavior modification," or sometimes "behavioral psychology." It addresses the behavior of all organisms. However this website concentrates on human behavior.

The science of behavior is the systematic inquiry about what we do and why we do it. It concentrates upon the factual and the objective. It discovers the principles and laws that govern behavior and is part of the natural sciences. It provides the basis upon which better techniques of teaching and behavioral intervention can be employed. It also deals with what a person experiences "inside" because one "behaves" both inside and outside one's skin.

Where can I get more information about the science of behavior?

Go to, then "Consumer Information," then in the left margin: "About Behavior Analysis."

How do the tutorials operate?

Learners will enjoy highly interactive tutorials that employ Programmed Instruction (PI). Lessons are carefully crafted in frame-by-frame sequences. Each frame presents a small amount of information and the learner actively responds by supplying one or more words to fill in a blank space near the end of the frame. The tutorial provides immediate feedback and moves to the next frame. Most tutorials require about 20 minutes to complete, but learners can move at their own pace. The tutorials require more effort than simply reading and clicking, but recall of important concepts is much greater.  First time visitors are invited to take a few minutes to try a sample tutorial to get a feel of how this site teaches.

Why are there some seemingly "misspelled" words on this website?

You will notice some non-American spelling on this website (e.g., enrol for enroll). The administrative software was created by those who use British spelling and punctuation conventions. We have not elected to change all occurrences as it is too time consuming.